Lizzo Freestyles Anti-COVID Song During PSA, Says ‘If You See Me Please Give Me Six Feet’

Lizzo Freestyles Anti-COVID Song During PSA, Says ‘If You See Me Please Give Me Six Feet’

Lizzo is not taking the rise of the more contagious Delta variant lightly. The singer/rapper posted a seven-minute “public service announcement” Instagram video on Tuesday (July 27) in which she politely asked fans to stay six feet away so that she can make sure her mom stays healthy. With the nation overrun by the COVID-19 variant, Lizzo said don’t take it personally, but also don’t get anywhere near her.

“I don’t care who you are. You could be the nicest person. You could be vaccinated,” she said. “You could be quadruple vaccinated. If you see me, please give me 6 feet. This s— is coming back. COVID. And people being real sloppy with personal space.” As if to prove her level of seriousness, Lizzo busted out a small spray bottle and promised to use it on anyone who gets too close.

“Because it’s not you. It’s me,” she said. “I’m not trying to catch nothing. I don’t even want to catch feelings, b—h. You think I’m trying to catch COVID?” The post comes as U.S. COVID-19 cases have spiked by 170% over the past two weeks as less than half of the country is fully vaccinated and the Delta variant has surged to represent more than 80% of new COVID cases in the U.S., according to the nation’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

She’s not afraid to be rude about it, either. “Don’t think, ‘Oh she’s a celebrity, she thinks she’s all that.’ It’s not that booboo,” Lizzo said. “You know what I think I am? Healthy. You know what I think I am? COVID-free. You know what I think I am? Full of vitamin D and vitamin C. You know what I think I am? Safe for my family and friends to be around, and my coworkers and teammates. That’s who I think I am.”

So, to sum up: if you see Lizzo in the street and want to come up and hug her, shake her hand or kiss her on the cheek, just don’t.  “Cause I ain’t trying to catch this mother—ing virus that’s coming back,” she said. “It got way too mother—ing close. It got WAY… it got THIS motherf—ing close. And I don’t playyyyy that. I’m about to be rude. I’m nice, you know what I’m saying?… But this virus gonna have me acting up, I’m gonna be mean.” She then demonstrated by clutching her purse and busting out her pocket Lysol spray again.

The video ends with Lizzo telling her fans that she loves them and she wants them to all be just as careful, protect themselves and wear their masks. “And until this is cleared up and we know what the f— this variant is and who it affects — stay safe my friends,” she said. “I’m not being rude, I’m trying to protect my mother.”

She even freestyled a song about her feelings, banging on the table and crooning, “I do not want you in my personal space/ I ain’t tryin’ to catch no COVID today/ You get Lysol if you up in my face (back, back)/ Give me distance b—h, bet outta my face (back, back).”

The singer — who hasn’t released a full-length album since 2019’s breakthrough Cuz I Love You — ended on a positive note, promising that there is “a lot of exciting s–t coming. Hold on to your horses.”

Watch Lizzo’s COVID announcement below.