Chicano Batman on Creating Their Song ‘Fly,’ Its Prince-Inspired Music Video & More | Billboard News

Chicano Batman reveals five things you didn’t know about the track “Fly” and the creative behind its music video.

Chicano Batman:
Hey, this is Chicano Batman, and these are five things you might not know about our song “Fly.”

One thing about “Fly” that you don’t know is that it was actually meant to be really slow — a lot slower than it is. In the studio, we ended up making it a lot faster. Our producer and also Eduardo were like, “Oh, we should speed it up.” And that’s what it is now, but we was just talking to them about, maybe, putting out a version that’s slower because it’s actually really dope.

No. 2: The dove in the music video is not CGI. This guy is a bird whisperer. It’s birds in his family — runs through his Salvadorian blood and he has a calling with animals.

Another thing that you might not know about “Fly” the music video: It was directed by these Argentinian sisters called the Giraffe Sisters. And they approached us with this amazing mood board that just had basically, like, Prince’s second album cover and was like, “Let’s make this album cover look into, like, a music video.” And it was just paying homage to artists like Funkadelic, Prince, Rick James. Yeah, we had a lot of fun with it, you know, very tongue in cheek and silly and it was a lot of fun to be on set for.

And then when we were in the studio actually making … after we tracked everything and it sounded, you know, banging and it was just huge coming from the speakers after we recorded it. I heard big background vocals kind of, like, very kind of just, you know, Funkadelic ’80s, you know, funk and that’s when I heard those big backup vocals. And shout out to Maya, who sang on it, and her crew, they killed it.

The bass has a reverb. Check any other Chicano Batman song. No other song has reverb on the bass but “Fly” because why not? There are no rules.

Watch the full video above!